Proceedings & Publications


Conference Proceedings

Accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings on IOARP Digital LibraryTM and will be made available through Open AccessTM.


Indexing & Abstracting

To ensure widespread dissemination of research articles published in IOARP conference proceedings and journals, IOARP is committed to widely index and abstract its publications with renowned agencies and databases. A list of agencies and database to which IOARP Digital Library publications are associated can be accessed on the Indexing & Abstracting page of


Publication Opportunities 

Authors of selected best papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their manuscripts for publication in the following journals;

We are in constant contact with other publishers for publishing extended versions of selected CTGSC 2017 papers in the special issues of their reputed high-quality journals. This section will be updated once the agreements have been reached.

For further information on proceedings, indexing & abstracting, and publication opportunities, please contact 


Global Digital Library provides an opportunity to the researchers to access high-quality content published in our conferences, journals, and books. 

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